There’s More to Barcelona Than Barcelona

If you’re thinking about taking a vacation in Barcelona , will you visit the city itself, or will you see what else the province of Barcelona has to offer? Contrary to popular belief, Barcelona isn’t just a city; it’s also one of Catalonia’s 4 provinces, and there’s much more to the area than simply the city. In fact, this is a province that’s bursting with culture, history, scenery, and there’s plenty to see and do here, too! City Life Along with Barcelona, there’s also a number of other busy, bustling cities within Barcelona province that demonstrate just how lively and active things can be in Catalonia. If you love the full, hectic atmosphere of major cities, then book a villa in Barcelona province in the city of Hospitalet de Llobregat, or ‘L’Hospitalet’ for short. Believe it or not, this is actually one of the most densely packed cities in all of Europe! While there’s not quite as much to do here as there is in the city of Barcelona, L’Hospitalet certainly has one might...