What does the future hold for ex-pats living in Spain?

The Brexit vote result in the UK came as a shock to many, but what does this mean for ex-pats from the UK who has chosen to make Spain their official residence, and also the Spanish nationals who live and work in the UK? Well, rest assured it’s highly unlikely that anything will be affected in the short term, as Article 50 has yet to be triggered and the official negotiations can take two years following this event for the UK to officially leave the European Union. Ex-pats lived in Spain way before the EU came into full effect, if you can remember when there was border and passport patrols at La Jonquera on the French/Spanish border you will know that foreign nationals were still allowed in and out of Spain with little to no hassle – you just had to show your passport. There is speculation that ex-pats may lose some of their free healthcare benefits in Spain or their pensions have to be drawn differently, but nobody actually knows until the negotiations are finalised. It is...